CloudHQ arrives in Querétaro; will invest 14,942 million pesos and generate 1,000 jobs
By Víctor Vázquez

The CloudHQ company arrives in Querétaro with the generation of more than 1,000 highly specialized jobs and with an investment of 14,942 million pesos .
José Fraga , Executive Vice President of CloudHQ , explained that they are a multinational company of North American origin, which builds and develops data centers, pioneers in the development of this type of "hyperscale" centers in various places in the US , mainly in the state of Virginia .
“ CloudHQ's business plan is to continue expanding our data center portfolio, inside and outside the United States , with important growth projects in Europe and Latin America , where our project in Brazil stands out and also recently our decision to be in the state of Querétaro ”, he stated.
For his part, Keith Harvey , director of Operations of this company, indicated that the new digital world brings great benefits, such as the creation of new jobs and a clear boost in economic activity, so that the state will be favored as a technological expansion center .
"We believe that Querétaro has optimal conditions for our facility, with highly qualified talent, an excellent infrastructure and a very proactive government committed to new investments."
During the investment announcement, Francisco Domínguez Servién , state governor, said that the company of American origin will promote 4.0 development in the entity, with the installation of its Data Center Campus .
"One of the competitive advantages of Queretaro , reflected in the State Competitiveness Index 2020 of the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness , is precisely the impetus to science and technology. We are the first national in patents, second in the number of companies and scientific and technological institutions and third in the number of researchers per 100,000 inhabitants ", he explained.
Querétaro's national positioning in relation to research centers is a positive factor for strengthening industries, the president stressed.
"They will be able to collaborate with some of the 52 public and private research centers that we have in the entity , which are linked to industry, academia and government, through our Triple Helix growth model and they will be able to join the Cluster of Technologies of the Information , where 152 companies participate ”, he commented.
The governor said that with the presence of CloudHQ in Querétaro , the alliance with the United States, the state's main commercial partner , is endorsed .
In his speech, Marco del Prete Tercero , Secretary of Sustainable Development , also said that the arrival of this company is added to the 38 projects with US capital that have been completed in the state from 2015 to date .
"So far in the administration of Governor Domínguez, we have completed 22 information technology investment projects , which translates into the generation of 6,302 highly specialized jobs and an investment of more than 22,000 million pesos ."
According to the Market Intelligence Agency , the global data center server market reached a value of $ 45.8 billion in 2020.