Construction of a new industrial park begins in Jalisco; They invest 50 million dollars
By Elenne Castro

Jalisco remains an attractive entity for investments, and made one of 50 million dollars, an amount that will be used for the construction of the new Kampus Industrial Santa Rosa .
It is expected that around 500 direct jobs will be generated during the construction of the industrial park. During operation, logistics companies create approximately 200 to 500 jobs and light industry companies create 500 to 1,000 jobs.
The project is located in the municipality of Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos on the Chapala – Guadalajara highway, one kilometer from the macrolibramiento.
Ernesto Sánchez Proal, head of the Ministry of Economic Development (Sedeco), highlighted the work that has been done to specify new investments and give positive results in times of pandemic.
He affirmed that despite the current economic conditions derived from the Covid-19 health contingency, they launched an employment protection program and later with an economic reactivation program , between them more than 800 million pesos have been injected , which was turns into a historical sum poured in support for the companies of Jalisco.
"In addition, our strategies defined from the beginning of the administration, that is, we do not leave what is important for what is urgent and one of these is precisely the attraction of Foreign Direct Investment", he said.
In an area of 28 hectares in the municipality of Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos, the project seeks to increase the infrastructure of industrial spaces for national and international AAA companies that are looking for a logistics or light industry site in the submarket of the industrial corridor of El Salto, Jalisco .
Bruno Martínez, CEO of Alveo Kapital, recognized the collaboration of the State government to make this project possible.
"Kampus Industrial could never be conceived with this philosophy if it were not for public policies and governments that attract foreign investment, which triggers the sustainable economic growth of our state, to give certainty to this project a policy that is facilitating is necessary, that it has the necessary padlocks to develop it and the best transparency practices ”, he highlighted.
90,000 square meters of profitable area will be developed on a plot of approximately 28 hectares.
Development has the goal of meeting four primary objectives:
1. Efficient and harmonious operation. The park will have the facilities and facilities that guarantee the efficient operation of the companies; Also, it will have equipment and services that strengthen the balance and harmony of its workers.
2. Security. Kampus Industrial Santa Rosa will have the technological infrastructure and the necessary protocols to minimize patrimonial, operational, health risk and natural disasters.
3. Sustainability . It will have a balance between efficient operation and the minimum use of energy, natural and construction inputs based on the requirements of the LEED® Certification.
4. Social inclusion. It will have recreational spaces and social programs that directly impact its context and surrounding communities.
Also, among the plans is to develop a fire station, green areas with recreational games for children and a soccer field, as well as a public bicycle lane to connect with the neighborhood surrounding the project.
Likewise, three industrial buildings are contemplated : the first of 40,000 square meters with the capacity to have crossed platforms; the second of 27,000 square meters with front platforms; and the third of 27,000 square meters, with front platforms.
The investment destined amounts to 50 million dollars; a portion comes from two Canadian institutional investors, including ICM Asset Management established in the Calgary region. Additionally, another part of this investment will come from financing the Mexican financial system.
Alveo Kapital is a company that develops industrial real estate projects, established in Jalisco and has more than 30 years of experience in the field.
Eduardo Cervantes, municipal president of Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos; Sergio Ríos Martínez, general director of Attraction of Investments of Sedeco; and Oscar Portillo, Senior Investment Associate.