Estafeta announces investment of 2,108 million pesos for 2022
By Elenne Castro

Estafeta announced that in 2022 it will be investing 2,108 million pesos, a figure with which it breaks an investment record in one year.
The 100% Mexican logistics integrator whose operation is based on environmental, social and financial sustainability will inject capital of 150 million pesos more than in 2021.
Ingo Babrikowski, general director of Estafeta , stated that during 2021, 1,950 million pesos were invested to continue with its logistics and transportation strategies, as well as to promote more sustainable mobility.
In addition, the company celebrated 42 years promoting the industry in the country , it grew double digits compared to 2020, which was mostly driven by electronic commerce and with which it was able to generate new jobs and that so far has around 12,000 collaborators.
It is expected that this year the growth of electronic commerce will continue , given that in Mexico only 6% of purchases are made online while in markets such as China the percentage reaches 50%, in the United States between 19 and 20 % and in Europe the average is 16 percent.
“Without a doubt, we are going to continue to see the incorporation of more businesses to online sales, with next-day delivery components, making it more agile, improving operating strategies, coverage and its price, as purchase decision makers, to which is added the sustainability of the operation, reverse logistics and regulatory compliance as determining elements to be an ideal logistics partner, he added.
The announced investment of 2,108 million pesos will be allocated 70% to transportation, with the acquisition of 1,200 vehicles for the expansion and renewal of the fleet (313 heavy and 887 light), which will include up to 35 electric vehicles and are still in the development phase. test with different brands and models to verify which one is the most convenient to improve mobility and logistics in the country.
The remaining 30% will be distributed 20% to infrastructure, especially to the teams that move the packages within the distribution centers, in the improvement of the points of sale and expansions in the various places; while 10% will be focused on technology with the purchase of licenses and software.
One of the key developments for this year is the start of operations of the New Mexico Hub , which is located in Cuautitlán, and which began construction in 2021. They are currently receiving more than 100 containers of automated equipment and machinery originating from Germany, Therefore, it is expected that it will start operations in May and will have connections the next day with 60 cities in the country.
Regarding air cargo, they will be renewing their fleet and will be adding a new aircraft.
Currently, they have four 737-400 aircraft with a capacity of 18-20 tons and they will be upgrading two 737-300 aircraft to 373-400 , with the aim of increasing capacity by 20%.
María Griselda Hernández, director of marketing and customer service at Estafeta, shared that the company has just integrated new communication skills with Natural Language Processing (NPL) into Estafeta Bot , it is a language that allows all types of customers to interaction with the tool in a simpler way.
He also shared that, during 2022, Estafeta will add a total of 2,048 points of contact throughout the country , since the company continues to add allies to its network in which they participate so far: Circle K with 498 stores, the 7 Eleven chain with 259 points and 116 allied businesses through the Aliados Estafeta program , 505 own branches and 670 dealers.
“Delivery at a point of contact offers the client convenience and opportunity and the partner a flow of visitors that drives commerce. Our goal is to achieve deliveries at the first attempt, we trust that this initiative will gain greater acceptance in favor of reducing the impact of deliveries, ”he said.
He emphasized the important opportunity that Estafeta customers have to participate in offsetting the environmental impact of logistics by converting their shipments into an EnBio by paying only 2.50 pesos, which will be used to purchase carbon credits.