GTA carries out a study of technological positioning for foreign companies in Guanajuato


By Lizete Hernández

As part of a study of technological positioning, the company Gestión Tecnológica Avanzada (GTA) analyzes the supply chain and benchmarketing in Guanajuato, in order to promote and motivate the investment of a chain of companies of Asian origin, belonging to the automotive sector.


In this regard, José Alberto Saldaña Juárez, CEO of Advanced Technological Management, reported that this chain of companies expressed their interest in investing in Mexico, Guanajuato being one of the points of greatest interest, due to the competitive advantages it has shown during the last five years.


Specifically, he said that it is an automotive plant that supplies Tesla that will manufacture electrical components, control systems, power systems and batteries, which has already carried out several studies, including the regional feasibility study, where the entities were analyzed. that show greater automotive development, political, social, cultural, economic and infrastructure openness.


This study was carried out by an Argentine company, where it was found that Aguascalientes, Coahuila, Sonora, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, Puebla, Querétaro, Estado de México and Guanajuato are the ideal states to invest.


After this study, a second was carried out in which the perspective was reduced due to other advantages that were taken into account such as the professionalization of the workforce, the quality of life and access to services, so that they remained the states of Puebla, Sonora, Querétaro, the State of Mexico and Guanajuato.


He explained that they are currently conducting a technical and technological feasibility analysis, specifically in Guanajuato, Querétaro and the State of Mexico. In this, the supply chain, specialized universities, available experts, as well as the innovation environment, training and personnel certification are taken into account.

The objective of this study is to share it with another that is carried out in Canada, and with this, the company will have a broader perspective of what each country requires and what it offers.


The last stage would be that of strategic feasibility, where a five-year growth plan is drawn up, so strategic visits are being made to Guanajuato in order to establish direct contact with some companies, universities and research centers.


"In Guanajuato they found availability of the universities to adjust their study programs, there are companies that are open to diversify to be direct suppliers and excellent road connectivity and logistics," he added.


GTA is a Mexican consulting firm focused on promoting and supporting the development of technological projects, through services directed by professionals specialized in the areas of technology and commercialization, with the support of strategic allies.

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“Invest in Mexico Facilitation Board AC” is an initiative between the states of Aguascalientes, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Durango, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Michoacán, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas to establish Mexico as a strategic region for foreign investment.