The construction of the Industrial Park American Industries Apodaca II begins
Nuevo León
By Perla Eunice

In order to continue attracting foreign investment, as well as promoting the country's economic growth, American Industries Group laid the first stone and started investment in the Industrial Park American Industries Apodaca ll in Nuevo León.
This development will have nine industrial warehouses and a commercial area. In addition, it has the advantage of being 15 minutes from the Monterrey International Airport , so it will be in an excellent location and infrastructure; Likewise, it will have versatile construction spaces, guardhouse, water treatment plants, electrical substation, natural gas, digital and analog communication, among other benefits.
American Industries Group has more than 40 years of experience supporting more than 200 companies to position themselves and establish themselves in the country. One of the benefits they saw from re-investing in this Nuevo León is because it is one of the states with the highest foreign direct investment (FDI) from countries such as the United States, South Korea, Japan, Germany and China; It has more than 3,900 international companies and is diverse in the sector with 13 industrial clusters.
Likewise, Nuevo León stands out for having the most important universities in the country, such is the case of Tecnológico de Monterrey and the Autonomous University of Nuevo León , where they have generated a workforce of 6,000 engineers and around 11,000 graduated technicians each year.
Luis Lara Armendáriz, president of American Industries, declared that this state has been of great support for the growth and development of Mexico by having a position in industrial, economic, cultural and social areas; therefore, they are motivated to continue investing in this state to strengthen local and national manufacturing.
César Garza Villarreal, municipal president of Apodaca, affirmed that the entity maintains an important industrial dynamic in the state, since companies such as Amazon, Mercado Libre, Black & Decker, Hunter Douglas , among others, have settled in the second half of 2020, Therefore, it generates certainty in attracting foreign investment.
"Apodaca is the industrial capital of Nuevo León, our network of industrial parks, its location, the workforce and the collaborative relationship between authorities and investors, make us one of the most dynamic soils in the country," he said.
Likewise, Roberto Russildi, Secretary of Economy and Labor in Nuevo León, announced that 24 new projects will arrive in the state from: China, the United States, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Sweden and Italy ; investments that will look for the ideal space to be able to settle in Mexico.
He affirmed that in the last five years around 15.5 billion dollars of FDI have been attracted to the state , which has allowed the generation of more and better jobs.
He highlighted that, in 2020, Nuevo León contributed 12% of the investment captured by the country, which means a total of 3,366 million dollars; and of that amount, 42% is an injection of capital from companies already established in the region.