Wistron prepares for the future: Technician graduation
By Alan Gutiérrez

Wistron Ciudad Juárez carried out the graduation ceremony of the first generation of its “Technical Development Program”, in which 16 students of technical careers participated.
The young people belong to different technical schools in the region, such as the National College of Technical Professional Education (Conalep), the Technological University of Ciudad Juárez (UTCJ) and the National College of Technical Professional Education of Chihuahua (CecyTech).
Lic. José Córdova, Director of Human Resources for the plant, said: “ It is a very special moment that we would have liked to share with your families. See the faces of their parents. I am sure that, like us, you are very proud of what you have achieved. "
“Since 2010, school-business linkage programs have been promoted in Mexico, the objective of which is to achieve a more comprehensive training for the student,” shared Mayra Sahagún, manager of Wistron's Training and Development Center (T&DC).
The purpose of this training program is to prepare the company for the growth that is coming for Mexico in the electronic sector.
Background: the fourth industrial revolution, accompanied by a great technological advance
For Pablo Lozano, Deputy General Manager of Wistron, this event responds to the technological needs that new generations demand as a result of commercial competition for world markets. Mexico has become a very attractive country for foreign investment and the installation of new companies.
Faced with this need, he explained, trained technicians are required - highly demanded in the market - who can respond to the needs of the industry. Our idea is to develop as many highly qualified technicians as possible to put ourselves at the forefront in this regard and make investors prefer Mexico over many other countries and thus allow a more accelerated development of our community, as well as a substantial improvement. in the economy of the families of our staff, he highlighted.
“Wistron carried out final processes in the manufacturing of high-tech telecommunications, today the information processing center is being produced from scratch to its final assembly. For this reason, seven months ago we saw the need to integrate highly qualified technicians, to approach schools, we structured this program through which we train the talent that the new era demands ”, he said.
In this regard, Mayra Sahagún said that the current labor market is very demanding, and that the company is also in a very competitive market, in which technological and technical skills are crucial. "This program will allow us to move in a more agile way, at the same time that we actively contribute to the training of our young people."
Wistron students: a different dual training strategy
During the graduation ceremony, the directors of Wistron Ciudad Juárez highlighted the importance and interest that dual training programs arouse. That is why they decided to bet on this Program.
Pablo Lozano, Deputy General Manager of Wistron, said that this program involves a win - win - win for everyone. “Naturally, we as a company won, since we received prepared and enthusiastic collaborators; they earn, since they receive a better salary for their skills; The schools they come from win, since they provide the opportunity to link their students to companies where they can develop; and, finally, the community wins by being able to have citizens with decent work ”, he explained.
“This program has allowed us to shorten the learning curve for the newcomer. It has opened the landscape to students about the labor field and has allowed Wistron to streamline its process of hiring technicians by ensuring experience. This is because the graduates of our internal school learn-by doing; they apply knowledge and make decisions, based on what they learned in school and, above all, on what they learn dynamically, here, from the hand of their internal instructors ”, Mayra Sahagún concluded.
Finally, Pablo Lozano anticipated that they will seek to do something similar with the city's universities and that they are ready to launch the “Recent Graduate Program”.
More information
Company: Wistron
Event: Technical School Students Graduation Ceremony
Number of students: 16
Participating institutions: Conalep, UTCJ and CecyTech